Wkrótce ruszają zapisy do nowego projektu SAGA!

SAGA – współpraca z twórczymi środowiskami z obszarów wiejskich to nowa propozycja Stowarzyszenia Willa Decjusza dla Seniorów z Krakowa i okolic.




Projekt potrwa od września do listopada 2018 roku.


Program obejmuje zajęcia i warsztaty edukacyjne: pisanie piosenek, pisanie bajek, spotkania 
w ramach salonów literackich na temat literatury i poezji okresu XX-lecia międzywojennego oraz prezentację pamiątek, opowieści rodzinnych, spisanych wspomnień z okresu międzywojennego. W ramach projektu planowana jest także wycieczka, której założeniem jest odkrywanie ciekawych miejsc w Małopolsce.

Zakończeniem projektu będzie występ artystyczny w Willi Decjusza dla otwartej publiczności. Podczas koncertu prezentowane będą piosenki opracowane przez uczestników projektu do muzyki skomponowanej przez wykładowcę warsztatów. Przygotowaniem uczestników do występu zajmą się profesjonaliści.


Osoby zainteresowane wzięciem udziału w projekcie prosimy o wypełnienie formularza umieszczonego na dole strony. W formularzu znajdą Państwo informacje dotyczące harmonogramu zajęć oraz terminów spotkań.

W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorem projektu Iwoną Sulejewską, na adres mailowy: iwona.sulejewska@villa.org.pl lub pod nr tel.: 508 688 474.




Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, decyduje kolejność przesłanych zgłoszeń.

Rekrutacja do projektu potrwa od 3 do 15 września 2018




Formularz zgłoszeniowy (po kliknięciu w link)



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外送茶的客戶相當廣泛,包括中小企業主、自營商、醫生和各行業的精英,像是工程師等等。在台北和新北地區,他們的消費指數大約在 7000 到 10000 元之間,而在中南部則通常在 4000 到 8000 元之間。

對於一般上班族和藍領階層的客人來說,建議可以考慮稍微低消一點,比如在北部約 6000 元左右,中南部約 4000 元左右。這個價位的茶妹大多是新手兼職,但有潛力。



加入LINE:加入外送茶官方LINE,客服隨時為你服務。茶莊一般在中午 12 點到凌晨 3 點營業。



燙口 / 高溫茶:賣春者年齡過高。
青茶、青魚:20 歲以下的賣春者。
乳牛:胸部很大的小姐(D 罩杯以上)。

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外送茶的客戶相當廣泛,包括中小企業主、自營商、醫生和各行業的精英,像是工程師等等。在台北和新北地區,他們的消費指數大約在 7000 到 10000 元之間,而在中南部則通常在 4000 到 8000 元之間。

對於一般上班族和藍領階層的客人來說,建議可以考慮稍微低消一點,比如在北部約 6000 元左右,中南部約 4000 元左右。這個價位的茶妹大多是新手兼職,但有潛力。



加入LINE:加入外送茶官方LINE,客服隨時為你服務。茶莊一般在中午 12 點到凌晨 3 點營業。



燙口 / 高溫茶:賣春者年齡過高。
青茶、青魚:20 歲以下的賣春者。
乳牛:胸部很大的小姐(D 罩杯以上)。

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Мы выполняем работы как по капитальному, так и по текущему ремонту основных узлов и агрегатов грейдера со строгим соблюдением стандартов и рекомендаций завода-изготовителя https://agora-74.biz/katalog_zapchastej/most_perednij/gajka_d394_0201_135

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Для разборных пластинчатых теплообменников одной из возможностей является трудоемкая разборка теплообменника и механическая чистка вынутых рабочих пластин , согласно инструкции по использованию теплообменников этого типа http://chimtechservice.ru/ochistka_promyvka_teploobmennikov

Перед выбором способа промывки теплообменника необходимо учесть все его технические характеристики, проанализировать степень загрязненности, интенсивность работы, чтобы остановиться на варианте, который позволит максимально бережно привести теплообменник в порядок, не нанеся ущерб химическими реагентами ни пластинам, ни уплотнителям (ниже фото испорченной пластины, после мойки недобросовестной сервисной организации):
Первое выражается в увеличении потерь давления в теплообменнике, во втором случае снижается температура нагреваемого контура на выходе из теплообменника http://chimtechservice.ru/
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Химическая промывка пластинчатых теплообменников используется для пластинчатых теплообменников с малым или средним уровнем загрязнений, а также для паяного и полусварного оборудования http://chimtechservice.ru/prodazha-plastinchatykh-teploobmennikov
Как правило, работы по очистке теплообменников этим способом выполняются в течение нескольких часов http://chimtechservice.ru/ochistka_promyvka_teploobmennikov
В процессе промывки используются специальные очищающие растворы, эффективно устраняющие загрязнения, отложения и при этом не повреждающие пластины http://chimtechservice.ru/cervisnoe_obsluzhivanie

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KMSpico Download | Official KMS Website New July 2024
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Are you looking for the best tool to activate your Windows & Office? Then you should download and install KMSpico, as it is one of the best tools everyone should have. In this article, I will tell you everything about this fantastic tool, even though I will also tell you if this is safe to use.

In this case, don’t forget to read this article until the end, so you don’t miss any critical information. This guide is for both beginners and experts as I came up with some of the rumours spreading throughout the internet.

Perhaps before we move towards downloading or installing a section, we must first understand this tool. You should check out the guide below on this tool and how it works; if you already know about it, you can move to another section.
What is KMSPico?
KMPico is a tool that is used to activate or get a license for Microsft Windows as well as for MS Office. It was developed by one of the most famous developers named, Team Daz. However, it is entirely free to use. There is no need to purchase it or spend money downloading it. This works on the principle of Microsft’s feature named Key Management Server, a.k.a KMS (KMSPico named derived from it).

The feature is used for vast companies with many machines in their place. In this way, it is hard to buy a Windows License for each device,, which is why KMS introduced. Now a company has to buy a KMS server for them and use it when they can get a license for all their machines.

However, this tool also works on it, and similarly, it creates a server on your machine and makes it look like a part of that server. One thing different is that this tool only keeps the product activated for 180 days. This is why it keeps running on your machine, renews the license keys after 180 days, and makes it a permanent activation.

KMSAuto Net
Microsoft Toolkit
Windows Loader
Windows 10 Activator
We already know what this tool means, so let’s talk about some of the features you are getting along with KMSPico. Reading this will surely help you understand whether you are downloading the correct file.

Ok, so here are some of the features that KMSPico provides:

Activate Windows & Office

We have already talked about this earlier, as using this tool, you will get the installation key for both Microsoft Products. Whether it is Windows or Office, you can get a license in no time; however, this supports various versions.

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For individuals who love the allure of high-end handbags but cringe at the exorbitant cost, fake bags present an enticing alternative. This write-up reveals the mysteries of the fake bag market, showcasing its attraction to style aficionados and designer lovers alike. From grasping what fake purses are to suggestions for making savvy buys, we'll cover all you require to understand to enjoy in fashion without ruining the wallet.
Imitation bags are premium imitations resembling luxury purses, crafted to meticulously mimic the originals. While these bags might not carry the authentic label logo, these replicas often mirror the same design, fabric, and quality as their more expensive originals.

Excellence and Artistry

Contrary in popular opinion, numerous fake bags are made with meticulous focus on detail. Skilled artisans use premium resources in order to guarantee that the replicas possess a comparable appearance and texture to the original luxury products.

Availability and Variety

array. access.Ethical Considerations

Although fake bags provide an affordable method for experience luxury fashion, it's crucial to acknowledge acknowledge the ethical implications. The and sale of replica replica purses can violate on intellectual property property, bringing up concerns regarding the morality of owning purchasing and possessing such products.Access to Luxury Designs

Motives Opt for Replica Purses?

Fake purses have attracted a significant fan base among fashion enthusiasts aficionados for various many strong reasons. Here, we discuss explore why such these chic options have become grown so favored.


One the most key clear benefits of replica knockoff bags is their affordability. High-quality fakes may offer the equivalent equivalent stylistic satisfaction as genuine authentic designer purses without the the high expense.

Replica bags make it feasible so style lovers toward enjoy those newest high-end creations, regardless of budget constraints. This availability allows more individuals to engage with haute fashion and express their style.Experimentation Without Commitment

For those who enjoy experimenting experimenting various fashion styles, purses offer an opportunity a way new various without significant monetary financial. This flexibility can be appealing appealing for fashion-forward individuals to switch up their ..To to Identify a High-Quality Imitation Bagplica bags.

Navigating this replica bag market may be challenging, however armed with proper correct knowledge, you will easily make wise buys. Below exist several tips for spotting high-quality reproduction bags

Material and Stitching

Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

Machinery & Information

Check the components, including zippers, clasps, and brand marks. Top-notch replicas have components that almost matches that of the genuine designer bags, with zero coarse edges or badly finished features.

Though replica bags are unable to legitimately employ the precise logo of the authentic ones, certain could include subtle indications that copy the style aspects of premium brands. Look for these features to assess the precision of the copy.Popular Replica Bag Brands

Certain companies are renowned for their high-quality replicas, giving fashion aficionados a wide range of stylish stylish options. Here, we feature some of the most highly well-liked imitation bag names.

AAA Handbags Purses is for making creating a few of the top imitations available. Their bags have notable attention to precision and quality, making them a favorite among copy fans.

Purse Products sells an extensive selection of replica bags, such as styles based by top prestigious brands. With a focus on quality and quality and customer customer happiness, they've established created a solid name in the replica bag industry.

Designer Products focuses on creating top-notch imitations that closely nearly resemble the originals. Their lineup collection includes handbags of iconic fashion houses, providing fashion fans with ample ample options.

An Skill of Enhancing Imitation Purses

Replica purses can seamlessly blend into any wardrobe, allowing you to compose chic and stylish looks. Below are some advice for incorporating imitation bags into your fashion collection.Handling with Care

Matching with Timeless Outfits

A timeless outfit, such as a black dress or a custom suit, can be improved with a thoughtfully picked replica handbag. Choose enduring designs that complement your outfit and infuse a hint of class.

Mixing Haute and Low Style

Combine top-notch fake handbags alongside budget-friendly style pieces to craft a balanced and trendy appearance. This strategy enables you to highlight your taste at the same time remaining economical.

Adorning with Confidence

When matching replica handbags, confidence is key. Treat your fake bag with care and respect as you would a genuine designer item, and it will boost your entire look.

Looking after the Fake Purse

Proper attention and maintenance are essential to keep your fake handbag being its best. Adhere to these tips to maintain its durability.

Consistent Tidying

Wash your fake handbag consistently with a mild cloth and gentle cleaner. Steer clear of abrasive cleaners that can harm the material or shade.

Saving Suggestions

Place your imitation purse in a moderate, dry location, not in direct sunlight. Utilize dust covers or soft materials to shield it from particles and abrasions.

Treat your replica bag carefully, keeping away from rough surfaces and overstuffing. It can assist preserve the form and preventing potential harm.

Replica purses provide an budget-friendly alternative to luxury designer pieces without having to sacrificing fashion or quality. By using proper styling & maintenance, these can effortlessly integrate into any any fashion closet, which makes them a favored choice among fashion enthusiasts. Whether you are searching for a classic look & a fashionable statement piece, there're many well-known replica purse labels which offer high-quality options to suit any taste. Therefore feel free to include several chic replicas into your collection - none can tell the variation.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

Treat your imitation purse with care, by avoiding overloading it with with weighty objects. Doing so may assist preserve the shape and avoid wear and tear.

Fake handbags are just about style; these additionally encourage a feeling of camaraderie among enthusiasts. In this article, we examine some societal aspects regarding having and talking about fake bags.Online Communities

Many online networks and forums are dedicated to the topic of replica purses, in which aficionados share advice, critiques, and recommendations. Such sites offer useful insights & assistance to those exploring the replica market.In-Person Meetups

Certain replica handbag lovers arrange face-to-face meetups to showcase their own collections as well as discuss their passion for fashion. These gatherings provide chances to network with similar people and exchange thoughts.Influencers and Reviews

Bloggers and bloggers often evaluate fake bags, providing honest opinions as well as contrasts with authentic designer items. Following such evaluations can help you in making informed choices about your purchases.Legal and Ethical Considerations

Understanding the statutory as well as moral facets concerning acquiring fake purses is crucial for making informed decisions. Here, we cover some common concerns.Intellectual Property Rights

Replica purses might breach upon the proprietary property assets of luxury companies. Be aware of the lawful implications and possible dangers connected with purchasing and having imitations.Ethical Shopping

Consider the ethical implications of supporting the knockoff bag industry. While it provides cheap alternatives, it might also lead to exploitative labor practices and ecological issues.Making Informed Choices

Forthcoming Trends within Knockoff Purses

The replica bag sector is continuously constantly changing, with new trends as well as innovations arising. In this article, we examine some potential upcoming developments.

Green ResourcesConclusion

Given that environmental responsibility turns into a rising concern, the imitation bag field could shift in the direction of utilizing sustainable resources. This change might attract to eco-aware consumers and reduce the sector's environmental impact.

Cutting-edge Technology

Advancements in innovation, for example 3D printing, could revolutionize the creation of replica purses. These innovations could result in even better imitations that are difficult to identify from the originals.

Evolving Consumer Attitudes

Customer attitudes on copy handbags may keep to change, with more embrace and recognition for high-quality imitations. This transition could drive demand and shape field movements.

Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you're drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion*.

Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!

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For individuals who admire the attraction of luxury bags but recoil at the exorbitant price tags, imitation handbags offer an attractive choice. This post explores the mysteries of the replica handbag market, emphasizing its appeal to fashion enthusiasts and designer devotees alike. From comprehending what fake bags are to tips for making smart buys, we'll cover all you require to understand to revel in style without breaking the budget.
Imitation handbags are high-quality copies resembling designer purses, crafted to meticulously mimic the authentic versions. While these bags might not carry an official brand logo, these replicas typically reflect the same design, fabric, along with quality as with their much costly originals.

Caliber plus Skill

Contrary to common belief, many fake bags are created using careful attention on detail. Expert craftsmen utilize premium materials in order to guarantee that the replicas have a similar appearance and feel as the authentic luxury products.

Availability and Variety

is. lovers.Ethical Considerations

While knockoff bags offer a cost-effective way to enjoy high-end fashion, it is essential to acknowledge the implications. The production and of fake knockoff purses might infringe upon intellectual rights, bringing up questions regarding the ethics ethics of purchasing purchasing and owning such products.Access to Luxury Designs

Reasons Choose Replica Purses?

Replica purses have attracted a significant notable following within fashion lovers for several various strong arguments. Here, we explore discuss why these these trendy options have become grown so popular liked.


One of the key obvious pros of fake knockoff purses is. Well-made fakes may offer the equivalent visual pleasure as authentic authentic high-end bags without the the exorbitant high expense.

Replica purses make this possible so fashion enthusiasts toward enjoy those newest high-end designs, irrespective of budget constraints. Such availability allows more people to participate in haute couture and showcase one's fashion.Experimentation Without Commitment

For those who who experiment with experimenting with various different styles, replica offer offer to try out various trends without a long-term financial commitment. Such versatility can be attractive appealing individuals who love to switch up their ..How recognize Identify a Top-Quality Imitation Handbagplica bags.

Exploring the imitation bag market can be challenging, however armed with the correct knowledge, one will confidently execute smart buys. Below are some suggestions for identifying top-quality reproduction bags

Material and Stitching

Pay close attention to the materials used and the quality of the stitching. High-quality replicas often use genuine leather or premium synthetic alternatives and exhibit clean, precise stitching.

Machinery and Specs

Examine the hardware, such as closures, clips, and brand marks. Top-notch imitations have components that almost matches that of the authentic designer bags, with no rough edges or poorly finished features.

While imitation purses cannot lawfully utilize the precise branding of the authentic ones, a few may include subtle details that imitate the style features of luxury names. Search for these details to judge the precision of the replica.Popular Replica Bag Brands

Certain labels are famous renowned for premium copies, providing clothing fans a wide range of trendy choices. In this section, we showcase a few of the most most popular copy bag brands.

AAA Handbags is recognized for creating some the top replicas available. Their products have remarkable focus to meticulousness and, which makes them them amongst imitation lovers.

Purse Valley Bags Products provides a wide range of replica purses, such as designs influenced by high-end names. Focusing on excellence and excellence and customer client happiness, they have have created a strong standing within the copy purse community.

Designer Discreet focuses in creating high-quality imitations that almost mimic the original items. Their collection lineup contains purses of famous fashion houses, offering fashion fans with ample many choices.

A Art in Styling Imitation Handbags

Imitation purses can seamlessly merge into any collection, enabling you to create stylish and fashionable looks. Below are some tips for incorporating replica handbags into your style collection.Handling with Care

Pairing with Traditional Attire

A traditional outfit, such as a black dress or a fitted outfit, can be elevated with a thoughtfully picked fake handbag. Opt for timeless designs that match your attire and add a dash of elegance.

Blending Haute with Low Style

Match premium fake bags alongside low-cost fashion pieces to compose a balanced and trendy look. This strategy allows you to highlight your style whilst staying budget-conscious.

Accessorizing using Confidence

When styling imitation bags, confidence is key. Handle your fake bag with the same care and pride as you would a original designer piece, and it will elevate your complete appearance.

Looking after for Replica Purse

Correct attention and care are necessary to maintain your imitation handbag looking its optimal. Stick to these advice to ensure its lifespan.

Consistent Maintenance

Wash your replica handbag frequently with a gentle rag and mild cleaning solution. Refrain from strong cleaners that can damage the surface or shade.

Storage Tips

Store your imitation purse in a chilly, arid place, distant from immediate sun. Use dust covers or mild cloths to protect it from particles and scratches.

Handle the replica bag carefully, keeping away from abrasive surfaces as well as overstuffing. This will help maintain its form and preventing any damage.

Replica handbags offer a budget-friendly option for designer designer items without having to compromising fashion or durability. With right styling and maintenance, these can effortlessly integrate in any any fashion closet, making them the favored option for fashion lovers. Regardless if you're looking for the timeless look or a fashionable statement-making item, there are numerous reputable imitation bag brands that provide high-quality choices to fit every preference. So feel free and add some stylish replicas into your own wardrobe - none will be able to tell a difference.The Social Aspect of Replica Bags

Treat your replica bag with care, by avoiding overburdening it by heavy items. Doing so may help preserve the form and prevent wear and tearing.

Replica handbags aren't not concerning style; these additionally encourage a feeling regarding camaraderie amongst enthusiasts. In this article, you explore the social elements of having as well as talking about fake handbags.Online Communities

Many digital communities & forums are dedicated to copy purses, where aficionados share tips, critiques, and suggestions. Such websites provide valuable insights & support for those exploring the replica sector.In-Person Meetups

Some replica bag enthusiasts arrange in-person gatherings in order to display their own collections and discuss their love for fashion. Such gatherings offer chances to network with like-minded individuals and exchange ideas.Influencers and Reviews

Bloggers and influencers often evaluate replica bags, providing honest opinions and contrasts with genuine brand-name pieces. Reading these reviews could assist you in making informed decisions regarding one's buying.Legal and Ethical Considerations

Comprehending the lawful and principled elements concerning purchasing replica purses is essential for making informed choices. Here, we address some common worries.Intellectual Property Rights

Replica purses can violate on the intellectual ownership assets of premium brands. Be aware of the legal repercussions and likely dangers associated with purchasing and having replicas.Ethical Shopping

Think about the moral consequences of supporting the knockoff handbag industry. While it offers cheap options, it might also contribute to unfair work conditions and ecological concerns.Making Informed Choices

Upcoming Patterns within Knockoff Bags

The imitation bag sector is continuously continually changing, featuring novel styles and advancements emerging. In this article, we will examine some potential upcoming advancements.

Sustainable ResourcesConclusion

As eco-friendliness turns into a growing concern, the replica bag field may shift in the direction of utilizing eco-friendly components. This change could attract to eco-aware buyers and lower the industry's environmental impact.

Cutting-edge Tech

Progress in technology, for example three-dimensional printing, may revolutionize the creation of replica bags. These developments might lead to even superior replicas that are hard to distinguish from the authentic ones.

Changing Buyer Views

Customer perspectives towards replica handbags might continue to shift, with more acceptance and valuing for better copies. This shift might drive interest and affect industry trends.

Replica bags offer a stylish and affordable alternative for fashion enthusiasts and luxury lovers. By understanding the intricacies of the replica bag market, you can make informed choices and enjoy the benefits of high-quality imitations. Whether you're drawn to the affordability, variety, or the ability to experiment with different styles, replica bags provide a gateway to the world of luxury fashion.

Ready to explore the world of replica bags? Join our community of fashion enthusiasts and start your stylish journey today!

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