Wkrótce ruszają zapisy do nowego projektu SAGA!

SAGA – współpraca z twórczymi środowiskami z obszarów wiejskich to nowa propozycja Stowarzyszenia Willa Decjusza dla Seniorów z Krakowa i okolic.




Projekt potrwa od września do listopada 2018 roku.


Program obejmuje zajęcia i warsztaty edukacyjne: pisanie piosenek, pisanie bajek, spotkania 
w ramach salonów literackich na temat literatury i poezji okresu XX-lecia międzywojennego oraz prezentację pamiątek, opowieści rodzinnych, spisanych wspomnień z okresu międzywojennego. W ramach projektu planowana jest także wycieczka, której założeniem jest odkrywanie ciekawych miejsc w Małopolsce.

Zakończeniem projektu będzie występ artystyczny w Willi Decjusza dla otwartej publiczności. Podczas koncertu prezentowane będą piosenki opracowane przez uczestników projektu do muzyki skomponowanej przez wykładowcę warsztatów. Przygotowaniem uczestników do występu zajmą się profesjonaliści.


Osoby zainteresowane wzięciem udziału w projekcie prosimy o wypełnienie formularza umieszczonego na dole strony. W formularzu znajdą Państwo informacje dotyczące harmonogramu zajęć oraz terminów spotkań.

W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt z koordynatorem projektu Iwoną Sulejewską, na adres mailowy: iwona.sulejewska@villa.org.pl lub pod nr tel.: 508 688 474.




Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona, decyduje kolejność przesłanych zgłoszeń.

Rekrutacja do projektu potrwa od 3 do 15 września 2018




Formularz zgłoszeniowy (po kliknięciu w link)



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Have you ever thought how to quickly and immediately get all the updates from your favorite websites without checking each one manually? This is where an RSS stream comes to the rescue. It’s a special data format that allows you to collect recent articles, posts, news, and other content in a compact form directly to your gadget. For more information: <a href=http://imfo.ru/division/rss/>check on the portal Activerefresh</a> . Imagine having one feed where all the important content from your preferred sources is gathered. Sounds awesome, right?

How does it work?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that allows you to independently receive updates from websites and blogs that you browse. RSS feeds work like a sort of subscription. You subscribe to valuable content and get it directly into your program for reading RSS feeds – also known as an RSS program.

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To start working with RSS feeds, you need to choose and install an RSS reading app. Here are a few popular options:

Feedly – one of the most well-known RSS readers with a intuitive interface and support for different devices. It allows you to easily set up your subscriptions.

Inoreader – another convenient tool for reading RSS feeds, offering numerous features for deep users, such as filters and structuring.

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Additionally, there are mobile apps for reading RSS feeds, such as Reeder for iOS or gReader for Android.

How to set up an RSS feed?
Setting up an RSS feed is straightforward:

Choose an RSS reader that fits your needs in terms of capabilities.

Add feeds: find the RSS button on the website (it’s usually an orange icon with white waves), click on it, copy the URL, and paste it into your reader.

Organize feeds: divide them into groups to conveniently find the content you need.

Set up notifications: if you want to immediately know about new posts, set up notifications or synchronization.

Why do you need this?
RSS feeds help you stay up-to-date with all the events without using time on continuous website visits. You’ll always know what’s added on your favorite blogs, news portals, and other resources.

If you’re curious and want to learn more about how to optimally set up an RSS feed, follow this link - http://imfo.ru/division/rss/. There you will uncover comprehensive instructions and tips to help you become a skilled master of RSS!

What is an RSS feed and why do you need it?

Have you ever wondered how to easily and immediately get all the updates from your important websites without checking each one manually? This is where an RSS subscription comes to the rescue. It’s a convenient data format that allows you to receive fresh articles, posts, news, and other content in a compact form directly to your gadget. For more information: <a href=http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=40>check at the link Activerefresh</a> . Imagine having one feed where all the important content from your preferred sources is gathered. Sounds amazing, right?

How does it work?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that allows you to seamlessly receive updates from websites and blogs that you follow. RSS feeds work like a specific subscription. You subscribe to important content and get it directly into your program for reading RSS feeds – also known as an RSS program.

What programs do you need to view RSS feeds?
To start working with RSS feeds, you need to choose and install an RSS reader. Here are a few popular options:

Feedly – one of the most popular RSS readers with a easy-to-use interface and support for various devices. It allows you to easily work with your subscriptions.

Inoreader – another advanced tool for reading RSS feeds, offering multiple features for experienced users, such as tagging and structuring.

The Old Reader – a reader that echoes the old version of Google Reader. It’s ideal for those who prefer neatness and modesty.

Netvibes – this platform allows you to create a personalized homepage with RSS streams, widgets, and other modules.

Additionally, there are mobile applications for reading RSS feeds, such as Reeder for iOS or gReader for Android.

How to set up an RSS feed?
Setting up an RSS feed is elementary:

Choose an RSS reader that matches your needs in terms of interface.

Add feeds: find the RSS button on the website (it’s usually an orange icon with white waves), click on it, copy the URL, and paste it into your reader.

Organize feeds: divide them into sections to simply find the content you need.

Set up notifications: if you want to immediately know about new posts, set up notifications or auto-update.

Why do you need this?
RSS feeds enable you stay up-to-date with all the events without wasting time on tedious website visits. You’ll always know what’s added on your favorite blogs, news portals, and other resources.

If you’re curious and want to learn more about how to properly set up an RSS feed, follow this link - http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=40. There you will discover in-depth instructions and tips to help you become a experienced master of RSS!

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What is an RSS stream and why do you need it?

Have you ever considered how to conveniently and rapidly get all the updates from your favorite websites without opening each one manually? This is where an RSS channel comes to the rescue. It’s a special data format that allows you to download new articles, posts, news, and other content in a compact form directly to your smartphone. For more information: <a href=http://forum.ru-board.com:9000/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=120>check on the page Activerefresh</a> . Imagine having one feed where all the important content from your important sources is gathered. Sounds cool, right?

How does it work?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a method that allows you to autonomously receive updates from websites and blogs that you browse. RSS feeds work like a distinct subscription. You subscribe to important content and get it directly into your program for reading RSS feeds – also known as an RSS aggregator.

What programs do you need to view RSS feeds?
To start leveraging RSS feeds, you need to choose and install an RSS aggregator. Here are a few reliable options:

Feedly – one of the most reliable RSS readers with a intuitive interface and support for different devices. It allows you to simply set up your subscriptions.

Inoreader – another advanced tool for reading RSS feeds, offering many features for experienced users, such as sorting and tagging.

The Old Reader – a reader that is similar to the old version of Google Reader. It’s perfect for those who prefer clarity and uncluttered design.

Netvibes – this platform allows you to create a personalized homepage with RSS streams, widgets, and other modules.

Additionally, there are smartphone apps for reading RSS feeds, such as Reeder for iOS or gReader for Android.

How to set up an RSS feed?
Setting up an RSS feed is straightforward:

Choose an RSS reader that meets your needs in terms of interface.

Add feeds: find the RSS symbol on the website (it’s usually an orange icon with white waves), click on it, copy the URL, and paste it into your reader.

Organize feeds: divide them into categories to easily find the content you need.

Set up notifications: if you want to promptly know about current posts, set up notifications or synchronization.

Why do you need this?
RSS feeds enable you stay up-to-date with all the events without using time on endless website visits. You’ll always know what’s been posted on your preferred blogs, news portals, and other resources.

If you’re intrigued and want to learn more about how to effectively set up an RSS feed, follow this link - http://forum.ru-board.com:9000/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=120. There you will read thorough instructions and tips to help you become a skilled master of RSS!

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What is an RSS feed and why do you need it?

Have you ever wondered how to conveniently and immediately get all the updates from your chosen websites without opening each one manually? This is where an RSS feed comes to the rescue. It’s a convenient data format that allows you to get fresh articles, posts, news, and other content in a compact form directly to your computer. For more information: <a href=https://m.blog.naver.com/cwmecha/30007941824>check on the website Activerefresh</a> . Imagine having one feed where all the important content from your favorite sources is gathered. Sounds great, right?

How does it work?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that allows you to automatically receive updates from websites and blogs that you follow. RSS feeds work like a specific subscription. You subscribe to interesting content and get it directly into your program for reading RSS feeds – also known as an RSS program.

What programs do you need to view RSS feeds?
To start taking advantage of RSS feeds, you need to choose and install an RSS aggregator. Here are a few well-known options:

Feedly – one of the most widely used RSS readers with a intuitive interface and support for different devices. It allows you to conveniently organize your subscriptions.

Inoreader – another convenient tool for reading RSS feeds, offering varied features for experienced users, such as tagging and structuring.

The Old Reader – a reader that is similar to the old version of Google Reader. It’s perfect for those who appreciate neatness and uncluttered design.

Netvibes – this platform allows you to create a personalized homepage with RSS subscriptions, widgets, and other modules.

Additionally, there are mobile applications for reading RSS feeds, such as Reeder for iOS or gReader for Android.

How to set up an RSS feed?
Setting up an RSS feed is easy:

Choose an RSS reader that suits your needs in terms of features.

Add feeds: find the RSS symbol on the website (it’s usually an orange icon with white waves), click on it, copy the URL, and paste it into your reader.

Organize feeds: divide them into topics to easily find the content you need.

Set up notifications: if you want to instantly know about recent posts, set up notifications or synchronization.

Why do you need this?
RSS feeds let you stay up-to-date with all the events without wasting time on continuous website visits. You’ll always know what’s added on your chosen blogs, news portals, and other resources.

If you’re keen and want to learn more about how to optimally set up an RSS feed, follow this link - https://m.blog.naver.com/cwmecha/30007941824. There you will read thorough instructions and tips to help you become a true master of RSS!

What is an RSS feed and why do you need it?

Have you ever considered how to simply and swiftly get all the updates from your chosen websites without browsing each one manually? This is where an RSS feed comes to the rescue. It’s a unique data format that allows you to receive new articles, posts, news, and other content in a structured form directly to your smartphone. For more information: <a href=http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=340>check on the portal Activerefresh</a> . Imagine having one feed where all the important content from your chosen sources is gathered. Sounds amazing, right?

How does it work?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that allows you to automatically receive updates from websites and blogs that you follow. RSS feeds work like a distinct subscription. You subscribe to important content and get it directly into your program for reading RSS feeds – also known as an RSS program.

What programs do you need to view RSS feeds?
To start working with RSS feeds, you need to choose and install an RSS aggregator. Here are a few widely used options:

Feedly – one of the most popular RSS readers with a friendly interface and support for various devices. It allows you to quickly set up your subscriptions.

Inoreader – another convenient tool for reading RSS feeds, offering numerous features for seasoned users, such as filters and categorization.

The Old Reader – a reader that is similar to the old version of Google Reader. It’s designed for those who appreciate clarity and compactness.

Netvibes – this platform lets you to create a personalized homepage with RSS feeds, widgets, and other modules.

Additionally, there are smartphone apps for reading RSS feeds, such as Reeder for iOS or gReader for Android.

How to set up an RSS feed?
Setting up an RSS feed is elementary:

Choose an RSS reader that matches your needs in terms of interface.

Add feeds: find the RSS link on the website (it’s usually an orange icon with white waves), click on it, copy the URL, and paste it into your reader.

Organize feeds: divide them into sections to conveniently find the content you need.

Set up notifications: if you want to immediately know about recent posts, set up notifications or auto-refresh.

Why do you need this?
RSS feeds enable you stay up-to-date with all the events without spending time on endless website visits. You’ll always know what’s added on your favorite blogs, news portals, and other resources.

If you’re keen and want to learn more about how to effectively set up an RSS feed, follow this link - http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=7682&start=340. There you will read thorough instructions and tips to help you become a experienced master of RSS!
