
Trzecia w ciągu roku wizyta w gabinecie lekarskim ze skierowaniem do szpitala. Mariannie brak już siły. W gabinecie młoda lekarka. Sakramentalne: „Co pani dolega?” i banalne „Męczę się, nie mam siły na codzienne nawet obowiązki” niewiele wnosi, ale dziewczyna wypowiada intuicyjne: „Proszę wstać, zamknąć oczy,  wyciągnąć przed siebie ręce, potem sięgnąć palcem nosa”. Łatwo powiedzieć, ręce drżą i nie mają pojęcia, gdzie ten nos, choć wcale niemały. „To proszę się rozebrać i położyć na kozetce”. Zgoda. „Pani tętnica brzuszna szaleje. Nie muszę dotykać, to widać z daleka. Zaraz dzwonię do profesora. Pani musi natychmiast znaleźć się w szpitalu”.

Zaczyna się Wielki Tydzień. W domu 15-latek – sam, już licealista, szkoła odległa od domu o parę kilometrów. Parę dni do przerwy świątecznej. Jakoś to będzie, potem może ktoś go zaprosi, a może pobyt w szpitalu nie potrwa długo. Jeden dzień na zorganizowanie zaplecza, przygotowanie się i znalezienie wsparcia. I tu zaczyna działać mechanizm prostej, spontanicznej solidarności. Zaraz jest ktoś z samochodem. Nastolatka ma odwiedzać sąsiadka, pani Henia. Zresztą, jest rozgarnięty, ale nowa szkoła… Jeszcze nie czuje się w niej dobrze. Kończy się na: „Poradzę sobie, nie martw się mama”.

W szpitalu przedświąteczna pustka, pacjenci wypisywani do domu. Zostają tylko zagrożeni utratą życia, rak płuc, wątroby, rolnik przywieziony prosto z pola. Leży w korytarzu, snuje pełnym głosem wyznania do nieobecnych kobiet swojego życia. Marianna jest wstrząśnięta, ile w jego słowach miłości do nich, każdej za coś dziękuje. Kontrast własnej codzienności z wylewem wyznań miłosnych odwraca jej uwagę od problemów, dodaje nadziei.

Pobyt w szpitalu trwał niestety ponad 3 tygodnie. W domu brak telefonu, wieczorami i to nie codziennie dzwoni za przyzwoleniem do sąsiadów, prosi o wezwanie syna. Rodzina zajęta przygotowaniami, a potem świętowaniem jakoś nie ma czasu go odwiedzić, ani zaprosić. I tak by nie poszedł, zbuntowany nawet matce zapowiedział, że nie trafi do szpitala, ale „jest dobrze”.

W pokoju Marianny codziennie jest jedna osoba spośród kolegów z pracy, przynoszą świąteczne smakołyki, pomarańcze, domowe kompoty, ploteczki i zapewnienia, że syn sobie radzi*. Pod koniec pobytu przyszedł nawet szef,  profesor  - zwyczajny wtedy - wyższej uczelni. Z bukiecikiem stokrotek i szczegółową informacją o ślubie współpracownicy z zespołu, w którym pracowała Marianna. Z profesorską dokładnością opisał strój i biżuterię panny młodej, na koniec stwierdzając ze zdziwieniem: „Nie zauważyłem, że pani tak zeszczuplała. Ale ważne, że wraca do zdrowia. Wszyscy czekamy niecierpliwie”.

Paradę solidarności zakończył uroczysty obiad przygotowany przez 15-latka. Kupił, na kartki – takie czasy,  wołowinę z kością, niechciany przez kobiety asortyment. Przygotował pyszny rosół z dużą ilością wonnych warzyw. Podał też sztukę mięsa z ziemniakami i surówką. Oczywiście ze szpitala Mariannę przywiózł do domu były mąż jej szwagierki, taki z kategorii ludzi niechcianych.


In this guide, we have an operating manual of MetaMask Chrome Extension for beginners using this wallet for the very first time. If you are one of them, then do not look on any other page and just start to read the write-up further. While transferring if there is any issue with the wallet, use the customer support facility and they will help you.

Coinbase App is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing cryptocurrency (crypto). Our mission is to create an open financial system for the world

KuCoin Login offers a variety of trading and investment options, including the ability to buy and sell crypto with as little as $1. However, some say that KuCoin's desktop and mobile platforms are not particularly user-friendly.

Paypal Login How do I report potential fraud, spoof or unauthorized transactions to PayPal? Get customized help with your account and access to the message center. Find answers to your PayPal questions. Browse common questions, watch videos, or ask the Community.

If you have enabled the 2FA to provide extra security to your account but enter the wrong 2FA code, then you can face the issue of sign in login issues.

MetaMask Portfolio offers the following tools: Buy: This feature allows you to buy crypto with Fiat, to be deposited directly into your wallet

If there have been updates or changes to MetaMask since then, I recommend checking the official MetaMask App website or other reliable sources for the latest information.

MetaMask Wallet is an all-in-one multifunctional platform where traders can avail of various `In addition to all these exclusive amenities, it also interlinks you with decentralized apps and NFT marketplaces

This integration is technically groundbreaking (see more below) and provides all Ethereum wallet-holders access to privacy-respecting, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized collaboration

MetaMask, a Chrome extension, is a versatile Ethereum wallet and decentralized app browser. With it, users can securely store and manage their Ethereum-based assets, engage with decentralized applications (DApps), and execute blockchain transactions seamlessly. Its integration with the browser simplifies crypto interactions, providing a user-friendly experience for navigating the decentralized web and participating in the growing ecosystem of blockchain applications.

For getting to your wallet on a gadget on which you've previously gotten to it, you will just need your MetaMask sign in secret key. Then again, in the event that you wish to get to your wallet on a gadget on which you have never gotten to it, then you will require your Mysterious Recuperation Expression

Metamask login acts as a gateway for investors to dive into the crypto realm and participate in the activities supported by it.MetaMask portfolio is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and decentralized application (DApp) browser extension.

You can call 1-800-544-2943 or check your target gift card balance, you will need the 15-digit card number and 8-digit access number. hear your last five transactions. Follow these steps if you have saved a Target Gift Card to your Target account.

Metamask Extension is an interpreter, a tour guide, a passport (or identification), and a secure pocket, all in one. Metamask is a browser extension that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and a gateway to the world of decentralized applications.

MetaMask Extension allows users to send and store Ethereum-based tokens and coins on the go. Also, this is one of the ideal digital wallets for storing ERC-20 tokens. But also MetaMask wallet has some limitations like it doesn’t provide support Bitcoin which is why if you are looking to store Bitcoin, you will have to go for other options.

MetaMask Chrome Extension provides its services around the world including Russia, the USA, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. Which shows its popularity around the world. The wallet offers users full control over their digital assets and private keys.

Unter Ledger Wallet versteht man in der Regel eine Hardware-Wallet, die zum sicheren Speichern von Kryptowährungsbeständen verwendet wird. Ledger ist ein Unternehmen, das sich auf die Entwicklung von Hardware-Wallets spezialisiert hat, die Benutzern, die Kryptowährungen besitzen, ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit bieten sollen.

Ledger Live Wallet bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche für die Verwaltung verschiedener Kryptowährungen, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihr Portfolio anzuzeigen, Gelder zu senden und zu empfangen und mit dezentralen Anwendungen zu interagieren.

<a href="">Exodus Wallet</a> est un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie sûr et sécurisé, mais il est aussi sûr et sécurisé que l'ordinateur sur lequel il réside et les pratiques que vous suivez

Le Exodus Wallet est un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie sûr et sécurisé, mais il est aussi sûr et sécurisé que l'ordinateur sur lequel il réside et les pratiques que vous suivez. Exodus n'a aucune connaissance des actifs blockchain des utilisateurs, et toutes les clés et données de transaction sont stockées sur l'appareil de l'utilisateur, garantissant ainsi confidentialité et sécurité.

Ledger Wallet développez et gérez vos crypto-monnaies et vos NFT avec le portefeuille le plus populaire de Ledger, Ledger Nano S PlusExaminez facilement vos transactions et prenez le contrôle lors de vos

Trezor Suite ought to carry numerous upgrades to make utilizing your wallet a significantly more secure.New clients will be more agreeable, with cutting edge highlights made more easy to understand so everybody can coins Ledger Live Wallet.

LePortefeuille Coinbase Wallet est une extension de navigateur qui vous permet de gérer et d'interagir avec vos actifs numériques directement depuis votre navigateur Web

Ledger Live Wallet es una billetera de criptomonedas segura y fácil de usar diseñada para administrar y salvaguardar sus activos digitales. Con Ledger Live Wallet, puede almacenar, enviar, recibir y administrar de forma segura múltiples criptomonedas, todo en un solo lugar.

Ledger Wallet es una solución líder de billetera de hardware que proporciona almacenamiento y administración seguros para criptomonedas. Con sus sólidas funciones de seguridad, Ledger Wallet garantiza la protección de sus activos digitales al almacenar claves privadas fuera de línea, lejos de posibles amenazas en línea.

The MetaMask extension is a widely used tool for accessing decentralized applications (dApps) and managing Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies directly from your web browser. As a browser extension, MetaMask integrates seamlessly into popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Brave, providing users.

Trezor Bridge est un logiciel qui permet aux utilisateurs de connecter leur portefeuille matériel Trezor à leur ordinateur via USB. Il facilite la gestion sécurisée des crypto-monnaies en offrant une interface conviviale pour effectuer des transactions et gérer les actifs numériques. Téléchargez Trezor Bridge dès maintenant pour sécuriser vos fonds et simplifier vos opérations crypto.

Trust Wallet est un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie multi-chaînes et une passerelle sécurisée vers des milliers d'applications décentralisées Web3 (dApps). Trust Wallet est le portefeuille crypto officiel de Binance. Vous pouvez envoyer, recevoir et stocker du Bitcoin et de nombreuses autres crypto-monnaies et actifs numériques en toute sécurité.

Metamask Wallet est l'application de portefeuille de crypto-monnaie et l'extension de navigateur la plus populaire utilisée pour accéder à l'univers Web3. La première chose que vous devrez faire est de télécharger le logiciel de portefeuille MetaMask sur l'appareil de votre choix en visitant le site officiel ici.

Ledger Live Desktop is a user-friendly cryptocurrency management application designed for desktop use. It provides a secure platform for users to manage their crypto assets, supporting a wide range of cryptocurrencies and tokens.

Trezor Suite is a comprehensive cryptocurrency management platform designed for use with Trezor hardware wallets. This user-friendly desktop application offers a secure and intuitive interface for managing various cryptocurrencies.

Ledger hardware wallets are designed to work with the desktop and mobile Ledger Live Login applications. It provides users with a single platform to manage every facet of their bitcoin holdings, such as downloading apps, keeping track of accounts, sending and receiving money, and monitoring balances.

Ledger Live is a comprehensive cryptocurrency management platform developed by Ledger, a leading hardware wallet manufacturer. With Ledger Live, users can securely store, manage, and exchange various cryptocurrencies in one interface.

La pagina funge da punto di partenza per gli utenti che hanno acquistato un portafoglio hardware Trezor e stanno cercando di configurarlo per la prima volta. Il processo di installazione prevede diversi passaggi per garantire la configurazione sicura del dispositivo. Connessione e accensione: gli utenti in genere lo sono

Ledger Live Login Gestisci senza sforzo le tue risorse crittografiche con Ledger Live Login. Accedi in modo sicuro al tuo account per un portafoglio di criptovalute senza soluzione di continuità... Per renderti più semplice la navigazione attraverso lo stack di accesso live del Ledger, abbiamo adottato un approccio per profilo di progetto, per guidarti attraverso...

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Trezor Suite App offers a comprehensive crypto wallet management solution, providing unparalleled security and convenience for managing your digital assets. Easily store, send, and receive various cryptocurrencies with peace of mind, thanks to its advanced features and user-friendly interface.

Securely manage your Trezor hardware wallet with Trezor Bridge Download it from the official Trezor website. Bridge serves as the communication link between your Trezor device and your computer, ensuring safe access to your cryptocurrency assets. Simplify your crypto management by installing Trezor Bridge today.

Trust Wallet is one of the best self-custody crypto wallets and a web3 gateway for those users who do not want anyone to invade the privacy as well as the security of their crypto assets.

Ledger Live Wallet is a software application designed to facilitate the management of cryptocurrency assets. Developed by Ledger, a leading provider of hardware wallets, Ledger Live Wallet offers a user-friendly interface for securely storing, sending, receiving, and managing various cryptocurrencies.

Welcome to, the official platform for setting up and using your Trezor hardware wallet. Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or a seasoned investor, provides you with the tools and resources you need to securely store and manage your digital assets. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of getting started with your Trezor hardware wallet, ensuring that your funds are safe and accessible.

Trezor Suite is a comprehensive cryptocurrency management platform designed to provide users with a secure and intuitive experience. It offers features such as a wallet for storing various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, with robust encryption and offline storage capabilities provided by Trezor hardware wallets.

Trezor Bridge serves as a vital link between Trezor hardware wallets and the user's computer or mobile device. It acts as a communication gateway, facilitating secure interactions between the Trezor device and compatible cryptocurrency management software.

Eigenlayer is a foundational component in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems, particularly in deep learning architectures. It operates as an intermediary layer within neural networks, transforming input data into a more abstract and representative feature space.

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Trezor hardware wallet. The Trezor hardware wallet is a physical device that securely stores cryptocurrency private keys offline, providing an extra layer of security compared to software wallets

Trezor Suite offers a multi-currency wallet that supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many more. Users can securely store, send, and receive various digital assets directly within the Trezor Suite interface, eliminating the need for multiple wallet applications.

MetaMask Chrome extension that gives you access to Ethereum dapps, decentralized finance platforms, NFT marketplaces, and the wider Web3 ecosystem. MetaMask is a web browser extension and mobile app that allows you to manage your Ethereum private keys.

ChainGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence model that has garnered significant attention in the realm of AI and blockchain technology. ChainGPT is redefining how businesses interact with blockchain technology by offering a suite of sophisticated AI solutions.
Ledger Live is a comprehensive platform designed for managing cryptocurrencies with ease.

Keep your cryptocurrency safe with the Phantom Wallet Extension. Easily manage multiple wallets and transactions while ensuring the security of your digital assets. Download now!

Trezor Suite is an all-encompassing cryptocurrency management platform provided by Trezor, a leading name in hardware wallet technology. This platform serves as a centralized hub for users to securely store, manage, and interact with their digital assets. is the initial step in setting up your Trezor hardware wallet, a renowned solution for securely managing cryptocurrency assets.

Trezor Suite is an all-encompassing cryptocurrency management platform provided by Trezor, a leading name in hardware wallet technology. This platform serves as a centralized hub for users to securely store, manage, and interact with their digital assets. is the initial step in setting up your Trezor hardware wallet, a renowned solution for securely managing cryptocurrency assets.
